Monday, September 19, 2011

Final graphics project

Final graphic project, was video. It was AWESOME working with video. Check this out, inspired by a poem. Read description in the box below the video :) while you're at it, poke around my youtube channel! :)

Drawings from Drawing II

Here are some of my favorite selfies from Drawing II. They are in the style of different artists. enjoy :D

Final Show

These are a few shots from my final photography show in April. :) my parents came all the way from New York and surprised me to come to my show. The other shot is me with my best friend Christina, she is also my model in my photos :)

Updates for the past few months.

Alright. So I haven't posted in a few months, basically since school has been over. I graduated this May! I started doing some small art jobs, I just got my business cards printed and I've been drawing and painting non stop this summer and even more so now. Life is good, it's art filled so I am very happy! I'll be getting my camera body soon, and I'll be shooting ALL THE TIME and shooting video too. Look out for new stuff all the time, very soon. :) I'm so happy! For now, he's some updates on some work I've been doing. I've been doing a lot of tattoo drawings for people or just for fun :D